
研究员/ jiangk@veganhousewife.com/化学小分子的筛选与应用开发


2007年毕业于四川农业大学 农学院,理学学士;

2010年毕业于四川农业大学 水稻研究所,理学硕士;

2014年毕业于东京大学 农学生命研究科,农学博士;











论文发表(*第一作者, #通讯作者)


1. Aizezi Y, Zhao H, Zhang Z, Bi Y, Yang Q, Guo G, Zhang H, Guo H, Jiang K# and Wang Z#. Structure-based virtual screening identifies small molecule inhibitors of O-fucosyltransferase SPINDLY in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2023, http://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koad299

2. Xie Y, Zhu Y, Wang N, Luo M, Ota T, Guo R, Yu Z, Aizezi Y, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Bao H, Wang Y, Zhu Z, Huang A, Zhao Y, Asami T, Huang H, Guo H#, and Jiang K#. Chemical genetic screening identifies nalacin as an inhibitor of GH3 amido synthetase for auxin conjugation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 2022, 119 (49) e2209256119.

3. Aizezi Y, Shu H, Zhang L, Zhao H, Peng Y, Lan H, Xie Y, Li J, Wang Y, Guo H#, and Jiang K#. Cytokinin regulates apical hook development via the coordinated actions of EIN3/EIL1 and PIF transcription factors in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2022, 73(1), 213-227.

4. Jiang K*, Otani M*, Shimotakahara H, Yoon JM, Park SH, Miyaji T, Nakano T, Nakamura H, Nakajima M, Asami T#. Substituted phthalimide AC94377 is a selective agonist of the gibberellin receptor GID1. Plant Physiology. 2017, 173(1):825-835.

5. Jiang K#, Guo H, and Zhai J#. Interplay of phytohormones and epigenetic regulation: A recipe for plant development and plasticity. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2023, 65(2):381-398.

6. Zhu Y, Li H, Su Q, Wen J, Wang Y, Song W, Xie Y, He W, Yang Z, Jiang K#, Guo H#. A phenotype-directed chemical screen identifies ponalrestat as an inhibitor of the plant flavin monooxygenase YUCCA in auxin biosynthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2019, 294(52): 19923-19933.

7. Aizezi Y, Xie Y, Guo H#, and Jiang K#. New wine in an old bottle: utilizing chemical genetics to dissect apical hook development. Life. 2022, 12(8), 1285.

8. Jiang K*, Wang J*, Ito S, Takahashi I, Ohta T, Murase K, Nakajima M, Guo H, Takayama S, Asami T#. Analysis of the physiological roles and mode of actions of phthalimides as GA signal regulator in rice. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2022, 42:2637–2645.

9. Takeuchi J*, Jiang K*, Hirabayashi K*, Imamura Y, Wu Y, Xu Y, Miyakawa T, Nakamura H, Tanokura M, Asami T#. Rationally Designed Strigolactone Analogs as Antagonists of the D14 Receptor. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2018, 59(8):1545-1554.

10. Jiang K and Asami T#. Chemical regulators of plant hormones and their applicationsin basic research and agriculture. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2018, 82(8):1265-1300.

11. Jiang K*, Shimotakahara H*, Luo M*, Otani M, Nakamura H, Moselhy SS, Abualnaja KO, Al-Malki AL, Kumosani TA, Kitahata N, Nakano T, Nakajima M, Asami T#. Chemical screening and development of novel gibberellin mimics. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2017, 27(16):3678-3682.

12. Jiang K, Kurimoto T, Seo EK, Miyazaki S, Nakajima M, Nakamura H, Asami T#. Development of Inhibitors of Salicylic Acid Signaling. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2015, 63(32):7124-33.

     13.Tian M*, Jiang K*, Takahashi I, Li G#. Strigolactone-induced senescence of a bamboo leaf in the dark is alleviated by exogenous sugar. Journal of Pesticide Science. 201  8,43(3):173-179.


1. Liu C, Hao D, Sun R, Zhang Y, Peng Y, Yuan Y, Jiang K, Li W, Wen X#, and Guo H#. Arabidopsis NPF2.13 functions as a critical transporter of bacterial natural compound tunicamycin in plant-microbe interaction. 2023, 238(2):765-780. New Phytologist.

2. Liu L*, Song W*, Huang S, Jiang K, Moriwaki Y, Wang Y, Men Y, Zhang D, Wen X, Han Z, Chai J#, Guo H#. Extracellular pH sensing by plant cell-surface peptide-receptor complexes. Cell. 2022, 185(18), 3341-3355.

3. Zheng L, Meng J, Jiang K, Lan H, Wang Z, Lin M, Li W, Guo H, Wei Y#, and Mu Y#. Improving protein-ligand docking and screening accuracies by incorporating a scoring function correction term. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2022, 23(3), 1–15.

4. Watanabe D*, Takahashi I*, Jaroensanti-Tanaka N, Miyazaki S, Jiang K, Nakayasu M, Wada M, Asami T, Mizutani M, Okada K, Nakajima M. The apple gene responsible for columnar tree shape reduces the abundance of biologically active gibberellin. The Plant Journal. 2021, 105:1026-1034.

5. Nakamura H*, Hirabayashi K*, Miyakawa T, Kikuzato K, Hu W, Xu Y, Jiang K, Takahashi I, Niiyama R, Dohmae N, Tanokura M, Asami T. #. Triazole ureas covalently bind to strigolactone receptor and antagonize strigolactone responses. Molecular Plant. 2019, 12(1):44-58.

6. Jamil M, Kountche BA, Haider I, Guo X, Ntui VO, Jia KP, Ali S, Hameed US, Nakamura H, Lyu Y, Jiang K, Hirabayashi K, Tanokura M, Arold ST, Asami T, Al-Babili S#. Methyl phenlactonoates are efficient strigolactone analogs with simple structure. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018, 69(9):2319-2331.

7. Zhou Y, Zhong Y, Li L, Jiang K, Gao J, Zhong K#, Pan M#, and Yan B. A multifunctional chitosan-derived conformal coating for the preservation of passion fruit. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2022, 163, 113584.

8. Takahashi I, Jiang K, and Asami T#. Counteractive effects of sugar and strigolactone on leaf senescence of rice in darkness. Agronomy. 2021, 11(6), 1044.

9. Ito S, Jiang K, and Asami T#. Chapter 7: Plant hormone cross-talk with a focus on strigolactone and its chemical dissection in rice Springer book: Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding 2018.

10. Miyazaki S, Jiang K, Kobayashi M, Asami T, Nakajima M#. Helminthosporic acid functions as an agonist for gibberellin receptor. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2017, 81(11):2152-2159.

11. Li G, Pan L, Jiang K, Takahashi I, Nakamura H, Xu Y, Asami T#, Shen R#. Strigolactone are involved in sugar signaling to modulate early seedling development in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology. 2016, 33(2): 87-97. (封面文章)

12. Oh K# and Jiang K. Synthesis of fluorescently labeled pyrazole derivative inducing a triple response in Arabidopsis seedlings. Journal of Pesticide Science. 2022, 47(4), 203–207.


1. 杂环苯甲酰胺类化合物及其在促进植物生长发育中的应用,2022.01.20,中国,202210064182.3

2. NRT1.7基因表达的抑制剂在制备衣霉素吸收抑制剂中的应用,2021.06.19,中国,202110678271.2

3. PIFs的暗处稳定剂在促进双子叶植物顶端弯钩发育中的应用,2021.07.27,中国,202110581494.4

4. 小分子化合物在促进植物生长发育中的应用,2021.05.17,中国,ZL202110040713.0

5. 一种土甘草提取物在制备果蔬保鲜剂中的应用,2020.12.31,中国,202011596465.X

6. 防治水稻稻瘟病和纹枯病的芽胞杆菌菌株, 2012.05.30, 中国,ZL201010028132.7

7. 防止水稻纹枯病和稻瘟病的链霉菌菌株,2012.04.25,中国,ZL201010028131.2


1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,32230008,植物顶端弯钩发育的细胞学和分子调控机制研究,2023.01-2027.12,骨干成员;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,21907049,以赤霉素受体GID1为靶标的信号调节剂的开发,2020.01-2022.12,主持;

3. 广东省创新创业团队,2016ZT06S172,系统表观遗传学在作物改良中的应用,2017.07-2022.12,核心成员;

4. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,31911540070,运用化学生物学方法解析乙烯反应和RNA调控的分子机制,2019.04-2021.1 2,主要参与人;

5. 日本JST大型研究推进事业项目CREST,利用植物激素间互作与化学生物学调控技术提高植物生物产量,2012.10-2017/3,参与人

