
研究员/ yli@veganhousewife.com/视觉神经环路


2012年 博士,中国科学院,遗传与发育生物学研究所

2012-2018年 博士后 美国国立卫生研究院,儿童健康与人类发育研究所

2018-2021年 博士后 台湾中央研究院,细胞与个体生物学研究所

2022年至今 研究员 云南大学,生命科学学院


视觉系统从环境中提取并编码光刺激的波长和空间位置等多重属性,视觉信号如何在环路各节点间传递和整合是神经生物学关注的重要问题之一。课题组以黑腹果蝇为研究对象,使用分子生物学、行为学、活体功能成像和电生理等多种技术手段,结合丰富的果蝇遗传学工具, 探索光刺激不同维度(谱域、空域)的属性在视觉环路中的表征方式及其分子机制。


1. 视觉神经元中谱域-空域双拮抗性编码方式的环路机制;

2. 来自下游神经元的反馈回路对光感受器功能的影响,以及其中涉及的神经递质和递质受体种类和功能

3. 利用视觉系统探索神经退行性疾病的发病机理和治疗方法。



1. Chen, P.J., Li, Y., Lee, C.H. (2022) Calcium Imaging of Neural Activity in Fly Photoreceptors. Cold Spring Harb Protoc; doi:10.1101/pdb.top107800

2. Li, Y., Chen, P.J., Lin T.Y., Ting, J.Y., Muthuirulan, P., Pursley, R., Pohida, T., Muthuirulan, P., Pursley, R., Ilić, M., Pirih, P., Drews, M., Menon, K., Zinn, K., Pohida, T., Borst, A and Lee, C.H (2021). Neural Mechanism of Spatio-chromatic Opponency in the Drosophila Amacrine Neurons. Current Biology 31,3040-3052.e9 (Highlighted in the Dispatches Vision: Space and colour meet in the fly optic lobes)

3. Luo, J, Ting, C.Y., Li, Y., McQueen, P.G., Lin T.Y., Hsu, C.P., and Lee, C.H. (2020). Antagonistic regulation by insulin-like peptide and activin ensures the elaboration of appropriate dendritic field sizes of amacrine neurons. eLife 9, e50568.

4. Kiragasi, B., Wondolowski, J., Li, Y., and Dickman, D.K. (2017). A Presynaptic Glutamate Receptor Subunit Confers Robustness to Neurotransmission and Homeostatic Potentiation. Cell Rep 19, 2694-2706.

5. Li, Y., Dharkar, P., Han, T.H., Serpe, M., Lee, C.H., and Mayer, M.L. (2016). Novel Functional Properties of Drosophila CNS Glutamate Receptors. Neuron 92, 1036-1048.

6.Li, Y., Tan, Z., Li, Z., Sun, Z., Duan, S., and Li, W. (2012). Impaired long-term potentiation and long-term memory deficits in xCT-deficient sut mice. Biosci Rep 32, 315-321.

7. Guo, X.L., Ruan, H.B., Li, Y., Gao, X., and Li, W. (2010). Identification of a novel nonsense mutation on the Pax3 gene in ENU-derived white belly spotting mice and its genetic interaction with c-Kit. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 23, 252-262.

8. Zeng, Y., Li, Y., Chen, R.S., He, X., Yang, L., and Li, W. (2010). Overexpression of xCT induces up-regulation of 14-3-3beta in Kaposi's sarcoma. Biosci Rep 30, 277-283.

9. Chen, R.S., Song, Y.M., Zhou, Z.Y., Tong, T., Li, Y., Fu, M., Guo, X.L., Dong, L.J., He, X., Qiao, H.X., et al. (2009). Disruption of xCT inhibits cancer cell metastasis via the caveolin-1/beta-catenin pathway. Oncogene 28, 599-609.