
研究员/ qb@veganhousewife.com /肠道微生物与宿主互作调控机制




祁斌,云南大学生命科学学院/中心研究员。实验室以秀丽隐杆线虫(C. elegns)为模式生物,解析肠道微生物调控动物食物消化、肠道菌群维持平衡的机理。研究成果发表在Cell Host & MicrobeeLifeCell ReportsNature CommunicationsCell等主流期刊主持国家海外高层次人才青年项目国家重点研发计划发育编程及其代谢调节重点专项青年项目)国家自然基金面上项目、云南省杰出青年项目等。Emailqb@veganhousewife.com


2008.9-2013.11 中科院上海植物生理生态研究所, 博士,导师:郑慧琼

2004.9-2008.6   吉林大学植物科学学院, 本科;


2019.10-至今   云南大学生命科学中心研究员,博导

2015.5-2019.5   University of Colorado Boulder/HHMI,博士后,导师Min Han

2013.11-2015.4  University of Texas Austin,博士后,导师:Hong Qiao



1. 食物消化方向:肠道微生物如何调控动物食物消化系统动物如何感应-评估-消化食物?

2. 细菌-宿主互作方向:动物如何调控肠道菌平衡病原菌与宿主如何共存?

五、发表论文 (共同第一作者# 共同通讯作者*

Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=mmGdRJwAAAAJ

1. Sucheng Zhu#, Xinyi Zhou#, Bin Qi. (2024). Host-pathogen Coadaptation by running with PAR protein. bioRxiv, doi: http://doi.org/10.1101/2024.01.31.578330

2. Liu, P., Liu,X., and Qi, B. (2024). UPRERimmunity axis acts as physiological food evaluation system that promotes aversion behavior in sensing low-quality food. eLife,  http://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.94181.1

3. Chen Y#, Yang R#, Qi B*, Shan Z*. (2024). Peptidoglycan-Chi3l1 interaction shapes gut microbiota in intestinal mucus layer. eLife,


4. Xuepiao Pu, Bin Qi. (2024). Lysosomal dysfunction by inactivation of V-ATPase drives innate immune response in C. elegans. Cell Reports,


5. Fanrui Hao#, Huimin Liu,# Bin Qi. (2024). Bacterial peptidoglycan acts as a digestive signal mediating host adaptation to diverse food resources in C. elegans. Nature Communications,


6. He, Y#., Hao, F#., Fu, H., Tian, G., Zhang, Y., Fu, K., and Qi, B. (2023). N-glycosylated intestinal protein BCF-1 shapes microbial colonization by binding bacteria via its fimbrial protein. Cell Reports 42, 111993. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.111993

7. Huimin Liu and Bin Qi. (2023) Protocol for investigating the effect of food digestion in C. elegans on development by feeding the inedible bacteria Staphylococcus saprophyticus.

Star Protocols. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101990

8. Geng, S#., Li, Q#., Zhou, X#., Zheng, J#., Liu, H#., Zeng, J., Yang, R., Fu, H., Hao, F., Feng, Q., and Qi, B. (2022). Gut commensal E. coli outer membrane proteins activate the host food digestive system through neural-immune communication. Cell Host & Microbe.


Previewed by Kaveh Ashrafi, Better living through communal eating. Cell Host & Microbe

. 2022 Oct 12;30(10):1343-1344. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chom.2022.09.005

Reviewed by Grant Otto, Gut commensals activate digestion. Nature Reviews Microbiology 20, 637 (2022). http://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-022-00799-6


9. Sewell, A.K., Han, M., and Qi, B. (2018). An unexpected benefit from E. coli: how enterobactin benefits host health. Microbial cell 5, 469-471.(Cover)

10. Qi, B., and Han, M. (2018). Microbial Siderophore Enterobactin Promotes Mitochondrial Iron Uptake and Development of the Host via Interaction with ATP Synthase. Cell 175, 571-582.e511. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.07.032

(Accompanied by a Preview by Dennis H. Kim, Bacterial Siderophores Promote Animal Host Iron Acquisition and Growth. Cell,  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.09.020 )

(Reviewed by  Gregory J. Anderson, Iron Wars — The Host Strikes Back. The New England Journal of Medicine.  2018, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcibr1811314 )

11. Qi, B., Kniazeva, M., and Han, M. (2017). A vitamin-B2-sensing mechanism that regulates gut protease activity to impact animal's food behavior and growth. eLife 6.


12. Zhang, F#., Qi, B#., Wang, L#., Zhao, B., Rode, S., Riggan, N.D., Ecker, J.R., and Qiao, H. (2016). EIN2-dependent regulation of acetylation of histone H3K14 and non-canonical histone H3K23 in ethylene signalling. Nat Commun 7, 13018. (#co-first author)

13. Qi, B., and Zheng, H. (2013). Modulation of root-skewing responses by KNAT1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant journal 76, 380-392.
